Chinati Recognizes the Urgency to Advance Change Now

Chinati witnesses unfolding events that demonstrate America’s systemic racism. We recognize and mourn the many black and brown lives lost to white supremacy and racial violence. We stand in solidarity with the racial justice movement and activists against police brutality. 

It is time for us to do more work in reflecting on our mission, programs, and operations. Chinati was founded by an artist who believed that if institutions are unwilling to support you on your terms, you make your own institution. We recognize the urgency to advance change now. For Chinati, that means considering our serious engagement with art, architecture, and the land to the formation of a just and truly equal society. We are listening. And we pledge to be deliberate in our actions for change as cultural and environmental stewards within our border community, the broader art world, and as participants in this ongoing experiment of democracy.

We encourage feedback from our community by email at