Chinati Weekend 2016: Talks
On Saturday, October 8, the museum will host several talks as part of its Chinati Weekend festivities. These talks are open to the public and free of charge.
At 11:00am at Chinati’s entrance courtyard, director Jenny Moore welcomes the public with remarks on the Chinati Foundation’s 30th Anniversary.
At 12:30pm, a talk on Carl Andre by Yasmil Raymond, associate curator, department of painting and sculpture, MoMA, will begin at the Carl Andre installation Words, at Chinati.
At 2:00pm, Brooklyn- and Marfa-based artist Jeff Elrod discusses Donald Judd’s untitled 15 works in concrete at the site of the installation on Chinati’s grounds.
At 3:30pm, Saturday’s talks conclude with Annie Ochmanek, curatorial assistant, department of painting and sculpture, MoMA, at the special exhibition of Donald Judd’s untitled (U Channel) and untitled (V Channel) works at the Ice Plant, East Oak Street and North Spring Street in downtown Marfa.