2012 Guerilla Gardening Workshop at the Arena

Guerilla Gardening Workshop and Community Bike Ride

Guerilla Gardening Workshop and Community Bike Ride
Sunday, July 8, 2012 at 8:00 PM
Chinati Garden (Enter at the Arena)

Seedbombs or “green grenades” are small, hand-rolled balls made of clay, compost, and seeds. This mixture protects the seeds until the ball is thrown or dropped on a desired location. Upon impact the seedbomb breaks open and the growth cycle begins, with the clay and compost feeding the soil.

Learn the recipe for wildflower seedbombs and make a batch of your own at this hands-on workshop, led by Marfa artist and gardener Mike Bianco. Bring a bike and join in a community ride to follow. All materials will be provided and snacks and drinks will be served. Everyone’s invited!

For more information contact the museum at 432 729 4362 or information@chinati.org