Process of Exploring

I wonder… what will my art look like if I draw with my head? How will this painting look if I make it enormous? What is video art? Why am I thinking about the moon?

Artists like to ask questions and seek answers to these questions through exploration. There are many ways to explore as an artist. An artist might explore a material, a food, a place, or their inner thoughts. By practicing exploration, artists discover new techniques, ideas, and interests. What will you discover through your explorations?

Exploring worlds inside and out

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To finish out our week on exploration, today we are offering a two part project! All people experience an inner life- their private thoughts, dreams, imaginings, as well as an outer life- the more public activities and happenings that occur around us. Sometimes the two lives come together and you'll think about what you are observing, but sometimes the two lives diverge and the thoughts running through your head have nothing to do with what you see in front of you! We are going to explore our inner and outer lives today through writing and (you guessed it) drawing! At what moments do our inner and outer worlds collide? At what moments do they seperate? How do we represent passing thoughts or the feel of the wind against our arms in drawing? We'd love to see your explorations! Share your work with us at #chinatiSSU or email us at In the spring of 2016, Chinati hosted an alteration of work by Charlotte Posenenske in the temporary exhibition space. This interactive workshop began with a talk by director Jenny Moore. Following this, participants, aided by Chinati conservation and education staff, altered Posenenske’s large tubular cardboard constructions—breaking the work down into its component parts. Participants then constructed new configurations and reinstalled these altered works in the space. #chinatiedu #chinatifoundation #museumfromhome

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Explorando mundo adentro y afuera

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Para terminar nuestra exploración semanal ¡Hoy ofreceremos un proyecto de dos partes! Todas las personas experimentan una vida interna, nuestros pensamientos privados, sueños, imaginaciones. Así como una vida externa, como actividades públicas y ocurrencias a nuestro alrededor. A veces estas dos vidas están a la par y pensarás en lo que observar al momento, pero otras veces estas dos se dividen y los pensamientos en tu mente no tienen nada que ver con lo que está enfrente de ti. Hoy exploraremos nuestras vidas internas y externas, escribiendo y claro ¡dibujando! ¿En qué momento nuestras vidas internas y externas colisionan, y en qué momento se separan? ¿Cómo representamos pensamientos fugaces o el viento en nuestra piel en un dibujo? ¡Nos encantaría ver tus exploraciones! Comparte tu trabajo con usando el hashtag #chinatiSSU o por correo electronico a En la primavera del 2016, Chinati alojo una alteración del trabajo de Charlotte Posenenske en el espacio temporal de exhibiciones. Este taller interactivo comenzó con una charla por la directora Jenny Moore, siguiente a, los participantes con la ayuda del personal de conservacion y educacion de Chinati–alteraron las grandes construcciones de cartón tubular de Posenenske, deconstruyendo el trabajo en parte componentes. Los participantes después construyeron nuevas configuraciones e instalaron estas alteraciones en el espacio. #chinatiedu #chinatifoundation #museumfromhome

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