Unhurried Phantom: Film Studies Workshop for Adults-April 2 & 3, 2016
10am–5pm Chinati Library
The more film expresses itself in a manner intrinsic to its own true nature, the more it can reveal for us.
– Nathaniel Dorsky
April 2 and 3, Chinati will host a two-day film studies workshop for adults. This program is an investigation into the ideas of filmmaker and critic Nathaniel Dorsky, as expressed in his 2003 text Devotional Cinema. In this 52-page essay, he outlines his belief in the transformative and therapeutic powers of film. Led by moderator Ralph McKay and using Dorsky’s essay as a guide, participants will view films and talk about the medium of experience, the notion of time, and the making of art.
Focus will be on works by Ozu, Bresson, Van Sant and others.
The group will view three films a day, with a midday break. Light snacks are provided and a sack lunch is encouraged.
This workshop is filled. To be placed on a waiting list, please contact Michael Roch at mroch@chinati.org