Presentation on Robert Irwin Project for Chinati
The Chinati Foundation will break ground in early 2015 on a new permanent installation by artist Robert Irwin—an addition to the museum’s permanent collection—which will be located at the site of the former Ft. D.A. Russell hospital. Chinati invites the public to a presentation and public forum about the Irwin installation on Friday, December 5 at 7:00 pm at the USO building (302 S. Highland Ave.) in Marfa.
Chinati’s executive director Jenny Moore, associate director Rob Weiner, and project manager Peter Stanley will present an introduction to Irwin’s work and an overview of Irwin’s plans and drawings for the installation at Chinati. A question and answer period will follow the presentation, when the public is invited to address presenters with comments and questions regarding the project.
A site model and architectural plans will be on view before and after the presentation and refreshments will be served. The community is encouraged to attend and everyone is invited.
For more information, please contact the museum at or 432 729 4362.