Master Plan (2017)


The Chinati Foundation Master Plan was created in collaboration with the design and planning firm Sasaki with funding provided by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, Still Water Foundation, the Kirkpatrick Family Fund, and Chinati’s board of trustees. The plan was developed through a year-long process structured in three phases.

Phase one

Phase one began in spring 2016 with a land survey and a physical assessment of the grounds and buildings, as well as a review of Chinati’s mission, the existing buildings and collection, attendance trends, environmental and ecological systems, the history of the former fort, and the character of Marfa.

Phase two

Phase two began in fall 2016 and included the development of a master plan vision and guiding principles. In December a community meeting was held at the USO Building in Marfa, providing an opportunity for dialogue with the public. Guidelines, initiatives, and recommendations were then refined to create a prioritized implementation plan.

Phase three

Phase three culminated in the public presentation of the master plan in a two-part symposium held in April at the Museum of Modern Art in New York and the Crowley Theater in Marfa.

Guiding Principles

  • Chinati’s initiatives will advance Donald Judd’s mission to present and maintain on a permanent basis the work of a select group of artists, with an emphasis on works that integrate art, architecture, and land.
  • Donald Judd’s writings and actions as manifested at Chinati will inform decisions.
  • Physical growth of the museum will be limited to existing structures or foundations in lieu of building on “undamaged land,” as Judd identified it.
  • Chinati will retain the dynamic mix of artworks, programs, and residential presence that is essential to its sense of place.
  • Preservation at Chinati will respect both the nature of the artists’ interventions and the visitor’s experience.
  • Chinati will continue to serve its local and global communities through expanded public access to the collection, supporting programs, scholarship, and partnerships.